It’s Fall. Cooler weather is slowing creeping in. Nights are growing longer than the days. Our routines have changed again as children have transitioned back to school. Most importantly, nature reminds of us of the significance of transition. Outside, the trees have begun to shed their leaves, but not after they’ve exploded with beautiful colors that beckon us to admire and take notice. There are tours of pathways filled with trees peppered with the colors of fall. Photographers stop to capture the beauty. And in the midst of it all, I remember that the trees shed their leaves and once they are disconnected from their source, they fall to the ground and become sustenance for the earth. We all know the process and every fall we admire the wonderful scene of fall. Indigenous cultures refer to this as simply the cycle of life and they would encourage us to listen to the message the trees are giving.

In our human lives, the process of transition isn’t always so easy. Whether it is our relationships, our careers, or even or bodies, the process of transition can be difficult. There are emotions. Sometimes there is chaos. There is fear. But what if we remembered our drives down those multi-colored tree-lined pathways? What if we could admire our times of transition and choose to see the beauty and not simply focus on the pain that may be present? My experiences with my African and Native American elders have taught me that every period of transition is an opportunity to grow and expand. If only we could see the beauty that lies next to the pain during the process.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

So, as we honor the last of the leaves falling from the trees, let’s take their lesson into our hearts and remember that life gives us the opportunity to transition and become new.