Pickled Roots began because of my desire to share the common thread of truth, knowledge, and love that I’d witnessed in many seemingly different cultures and communities. Today, I am struck deeply by the reality of knowing and accepting that the common thread does actually exist and for me, is most readily seen in indigenous cultures from around the world.
Contrary to indigenous thought, however, our Western society dictates that we must label things. It dictates that we must proclaim to be one thing or another, especially when it relates to spirituality and religion. But what if there were another path? What if all religions..all spiritual systems…contained the roots of love that would deepen our relationship to God/Source and to ourselves?
Indigenous cultures believe that all paths lead to God. Perhaps its because they believe God continues to fashion our lives and bring into it every experience that is needed to guide us and help us to expand into the consciousness of love and light. Or maybe its because there is a deep understanding that truth is truth no matter what culture of form it flows through. The truth of true love and spirituality and God’s nature cannot be suppressed. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
So, as I journey, I am encouraged that religious and spiritual disunity will concede to the universal flow of love toward the Earth, all of God’s children, and the Holy Creator. And I humbly give thanks for the opportunity to observe and bear witness.