I heard Brian Weiss say “All of nature is resurrection.” Truth rings clearly in this statement. Leaves released from autumn trees transform to create rich soil for spring’s plants and flowers. Dead insects follow a similar process in which they decompose in the soil, but later, plants benefit from the minerals left there. In nature, we see the process of resurrection, or transformation, over and over again. Nature doesn’t only teach us about resurrection. It teaches us about life. Nature inspires the indigenous wisdom flowing from every continent. It is an important foundation or indigenous philosophy. Our indigenous elders understood life is best understood when observing nature. As I seek to honor this ancient wisdom, many of my blog posts are commentary about my own experiences with nature. It’s wonderful what happens when there is quiet. No cell phone. No laptop. No books even. Only quiet. Listening. Observing. Feeling.

Why not treat yourself to a little quiet? Take a nature sabbatical – short or long. And post your comments on how nature impacted you.