If ever I am reminded of the importance of preserving indigenous culture, it is on the American holiday we call Thanksgiving. Without context, it is certainly wonderful to gather with family and friends to share laughter, food, and love. And certainly taking time to discuss the things for which we are thankful is an essential spirit-lifting activity on any day. However, it is the context that is troublesome. Over time, some have come to believe that the first Thanksgiving feast that began with Pilgrims and Native Americans was without malice. The truth is that what followed was systematic disruption of the indigenous culture of America that resulted in Native Americans bering driven from their lands and the constant fight to educate people about the sacredness of the indigenous culture of this land. So, in honor of Native American culture, I am inspired to offer the following prayer:

Creator of All Things.
We give thanks to you.
Mother Earth.
We give thanks for your nurturing.
Father Sky.
We give thanks for your protection.
To the wisdom blowing in The Four Winds.
We give thanks.
To the strength of the Ancestors.
We give thanks.
To the Spirit of Peace, Love, and Harmony.
We give thanks.
May the world give thanks.