
About lauraadmin

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So far lauraadmin has created 42 blog entries.

As We Go, So Do The Ancestors

I had a vision. There were faces. Loving. Supportive, and strong faces encircling me as I sat in surrender and peace. Looking into the eyes of my Guides, I was reminded that I am supported and that my life has a great purpose. And with that acknowledgement, the vision faded. In indigenous cultures, ancestral energy [...]

As We Go, So Do The Ancestors2015-02-01T15:45:04+00:00

Healing is Ceremony

Recall the last time you or someone you know was experiencing a healing crisis. You know, some illness that sent them to bed for a week or perhaps to the hospital for days at a time. Our frequent images include medicine bottles, sterile walls, doctors in white jackets, and the beeping of medical equipment. Traditional [...]

Healing is Ceremony2014-10-11T17:36:38+00:00

Sincere Thanks

If ever I am reminded of the importance of preserving indigenous culture, it is on the American holiday we call Thanksgiving. Without context, it is certainly wonderful to gather with family and friends to share laughter, food, and love. And certainly taking time to discuss the things for which we are thankful is an essential [...]

Sincere Thanks2013-11-28T08:18:47+00:00

Nature – The Foundation of Indigenous Wisdom

I heard Brian Weiss say "All of nature is resurrection." Truth rings clearly in this statement. Leaves released from autumn trees transform to create rich soil for spring's plants and flowers. Dead insects follow a similar process in which they decompose in the soil, but later, plants benefit from the minerals left there. In nature, [...]

Nature – The Foundation of Indigenous Wisdom2013-06-23T13:40:42+00:00

Spirals of Change

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am in awe of spirals. I write about them in my poetry. I reference them constantly. For me, the spiral is a symbol of learning, living, and transformation. It is no surprise then, that with all of the recent attention on the tornadoes in the midwest, that [...]

Spirals of Change2013-06-01T07:30:12+00:00
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