
About lauraadmin

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So far lauraadmin has created 42 blog entries.


Pickled Roots began because of my desire to share the common thread of truth, knowledge, and love that I’d witnessed in many seemingly different cultures and communities. Today, I am struck deeply by the reality of knowing and accepting that the common thread does actually exist and for me, is most readily seen in indigenous [...]


Spiritual Healing — Is it All in Your Mind?

Oprah's most recent Oprah's Next Chapter interview was about John of God, a spiritual healer in Brazil who conducts sacred healings. I first heard of John of God many years ago when exploring ALL that the "alternative" spiritual world had to offer. I recall hearing about the power of love, spontaneous healing, and invisible surgeries. [...]

Spiritual Healing — Is it All in Your Mind?2013-03-20T09:03:29+00:00

Happy New Year

New Year’s Eve evokes many visions. Friends, partying, joy, food, laughter. Mine was filled with a gentle excitement filled with laughter, smiles, and prayers. But after the celebration waned and all was quiet, I pondered the energy of peace. I awoke this morning in the same spirit that I went to sleep. So, as I [...]

Happy New Year2013-01-01T14:42:22+00:00


Solitude. For many, it is a word of peace and contentment. But solitude is more than a word. In it’s full potential, solitude is actually a practice. It is the process of becoming and being in solitude…alone…or better said – with God. Solitude is the art of going within to connect with The Divine. In [...]


Fall Transitions

It’s Fall. Cooler weather is slowing creeping in. Nights are growing longer than the days. Our routines have changed again as children have transitioned back to school. Most importantly, nature reminds of us of the significance of transition. Outside, the trees have begun to shed their leaves, but not after they’ve exploded with beautiful colors [...]

Fall Transitions2012-10-08T09:10:53+00:00

Let Go

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I want to be.” Lao Tzu (Father of Taoism)   Take a pause and close your eyes and reflect on that statement. What do you think you are? What can you let go of? For me, I often define myself as a woman, a mother, [...]

Let Go2012-09-26T09:48:57+00:00
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