
About lauraadmin

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So far lauraadmin has created 42 blog entries.

Funky Bliss…Music and Inspiration

One of the goals of this blog is to show others how to incorporate indigenous culture into our lives. For many of us, our lives are filled with busy schedules, technology, media overwhelm, and way too many worries. For me, music  has been a way to unplug from the hectic world and a way to [...]

Funky Bliss…Music and Inspiration2012-09-24T09:35:44+00:00

The Deer – To All My Relations

Since my move to the East Coast two years ago, I have become familiar with deer. While it has become quite normal to see deer every day, I am still amazed by their beauty and grace.  My children and I see deer while riding in the car and we always call out -- “look at [...]

The Deer – To All My Relations2012-09-17T08:15:04+00:00

Plant Trimming – Spirit Cleansing

A few weeks ago. One early morning. I awoke and was drawn to go outside. The warm sun had just risen. The morning was quiet. It felt new and fresh. Doesn’t the saying go a new day, a new beginning? Well, I could feel it. I sat on my porch for a few minutes. Breathing. [...]

Plant Trimming – Spirit Cleansing2012-09-05T08:05:58+00:00

Nature & The Sacred – Lessons of Indigenous Cultures

“Nature is a place that is always susceptible to the sacred” –Ile Aiye I recently watched Ile Aiye, a documentary about the world of Candomble in Bahia, Brazil. Ile Aiye means House of the Earth. In Candomble, temples of worship are called houses. Literally, Ile Aiye means the Earth temple – or the temple of [...]

Nature & The Sacred – Lessons of Indigenous Cultures2012-08-30T08:09:51+00:00

Om Namah Shivaya – Indigenous Greetings!

Wow. A lot has happened over the last couple weeks. It seems most appropriate to greet you with “Om Namah Shivaya”. Not because I spent the weekend with beautiful Spirits uplifting ourselves and honoring God. Not because it’s a cool thing to say. Or even because it reminds me of all the delicious Indian food [...]

Om Namah Shivaya – Indigenous Greetings!2012-08-24T08:01:49+00:00
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