I recently shared my experience with the book Old Turtle. I cant’ say enough about the message in the book. It is definitely one of my inspirations for starting this blog. Old Turtle is an example of the universal thread that reminds us that although we may express our cultures with slight nuances, we are truly all one. As synchronicity would have it, I’m listening to Frankie Beverly & Maze sing “We Are One” as I’m typing.  I can’t help but smile. So, I do. And I wonder, what would the world look like if we all really believed that we are one? What would life feel like if everyone treated everyone they encountered with respect? Remember, Alanis Morrissette’s song – “What If God Was One Of Us?” Can you imagine a world where we all treated each other like we would God? Definitely, food for thought. Or better yet – a seed to plant, water, and grow.